Hanged Man
12 | Hanged Man
12 | Hanged Man
General Aspects:
General Aspects:
Patriarchal, conquerors, man-made laws, speaking, discipline, duality, antithesis
In the medieval period, it was meritorious to save oneself from sin through a painful physical process, such as laceration. Here, the HANGED MAN has suspended himself by one foot, upside-down, in the hope of redemption.
Whereas in the Atlantean times, the Serplion of energy performs an initiation through SUBMISSION, in the Piscean Age he is either the fanatic who attempts to absolve himself by deliberate masochism in man made imitation of Christ, or the pathetic weakling who longs for attention.
Interpreted use:
Interpreted use:
Sense you inner illumination growing. Don't force it. Initiation is all in the waiting.
Reversed (card received upside down):
Reversed (card received upside down):
Don't hang yourself. And don't boast about it if you do.