Knights Minor arcana

Blades Serpents pears Stones

Knight | Blades


Knight of the North, air, thinking, the principle of the centered mind. Air is whirling reaching thought, ideas that are yet un-manifested. Unless controlled, in this nuclear age the ignited air of the mind will create an egotistical world empire or Armageddon.

Interpreted Use:

Clarity of Thought

Reversed (card received upside down):

You have lots the governing equilibrium of the unconscious, believing that consciousness is all important.

General Aspects of blades:

Blades are a progression of suit of swords, representing air, an unseen force that acts rapidly. It is a masculine energy that governs thinking sight and sound. This suit is connected to the cold, its representative color is blue and direction is North.

Lessons that blades bring into our life often pertain to our identity. Communication and the intellect are governed by this suit. These can be tough lessons to learn because these cards represent the truth. Their direction is east and represent the fall season. Blades also represent spirit, because spirit is like the breath of life.

A lot of these cards in your reading could mean that you are working hard on defining your identity and changes that maybe taking place. Is there a lot going on in your life? This can represent situations that are going to be happening in the very near future. Are you being guided by a spiritual process? Life is built on change, focusing on letting go of what's excess and letting in the new can make transitions easier.

Positive Aspects:

  • energetic

  • vital

  • intelligent

Negative Aspects:

  • changeable

  • inconsistent

  • distant

Knight | Serpents


Knight of the South, fire, feeling, the principle of the spiral - flowing from point to circumference to point to circumference.

Enormous power is possible as the secret of nuclear power has been discovered; unless we balance this power and align it with our internal knowledge, our very earth itself will explode and forever disappear.

Interpreted Use:

The deepest feeling is aroused in the seeker who draws this Trump card. Opportunity for enormous creative power.

Reversed (card received upside down):

Beware of irrational demonstrations manifesting as explosions of anger or jealousy. The volcanic feeling energy must be controlled by balancing all aspects.

General Aspects:

Serpents are the progression of the wands, they depict the fire sign. This suit represents inner masculine qualities. It is the suit that governs drive and ambition. Serpents represent the movement of energy. Their season is spring and their direction is the south.

Serpents show where you may have significant drive. If you find there are a lot of serpents in your reading then it is possible that there is something big on the horizon possibly a business, or maybe a lot of energy coming your way.

Positive Aspects:

  • driven

  • passionate

  • creative

Negative Aspects:

  • hot headed

  • dramatic

  • rash

Knight | pears


Knight of the East, water, intuition, the receptive principle, acceptance of our intrinsic humanity. This Knight is essential to true humanity; the innovator of change; the growing tip on the Tree of Life.

Interpreted Use:

Tremendous inspiration, which, if you are not stilled and thereby capable of receiving it, will disappear as subtly as gently as it came.

Reversed (card received upside down):

Unreasoning fanaticism; wild, impossible floods and fantasies. You are in direct need of balance through the world of sensation, the earth.

General Aspects of Pears:

Pears are the progression of the cups, they depict the water sign, a receptive and subconscious force. These cards are feminine in nature. They represent the relationships and emotional connections we have. This suit is associated with the direction east and the sense of smell.

Receiving these cards could be about the love of pleasure, your gut impressions and feelings. When you are receptive, spirit can let inspiration flow to you and into the world. If you notice a lot of pears in your reading this could mean a very emotional time, creative time and physic development.

Positive Aspects:

  • caring intuitive creative

Negative Aspects:

  • emotional sensitive

knight | stones


Knight of the West, earth, sensation, and the principle of sacrifice, the t-crossing of matter and spirit. Sensation is the force of materialization; without sensation there would be no earth to touch, nor all its multitude of beauty.

Interpreted Use:

An earthquake force can be salutary (a pain or unpleasant trail that will cause later positive effects). Shaken, your earth-bound foundation will never return to the same shape again.

Reversed (card received upside down):

Sterile and sear, ever more repressed and indifferent to progress; violence may move in and force beneficent change.

General Aspects of Stones:

Stones are the progression of the pentacles, they depict the earth sign. Stones have a feminine nature. They represent the physical and material world.

If you notice you have a lot of stones in your reading it could indicate an increase in material possessions or represent that you may be slowly arranging details and getting your affairs in order to create stability.

Positive Aspects:

  • hard working

  • practical

  • stable

Negative Aspects:

  • stubborn

  • cheap

  • dull